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Welcome to Zero to Hero.
You will find your answers here…

IF you don't forget the questions.


A special selection of articles aimed at helping you navigate the world of software engineering and being a better professional.


Business Climb Top Streamline Icon: Roadmap

Be the next version of yourself.


Be the leader of your own journey.




These series of articles usually focus on a particular technical theme, providing an incremental learning path. They are a good place to start if you want to learn something new in a structured way.


Cyclone Streamline Emoji: SPIFFE and SPIRE

Articles and tutorials on SPIFFE and SPIRE.

Rocket B Streamline Emoji: Zero to Prod in Half an Hour

Develop and deploy an end-to-end production-ready system in less than half an hour.

Idea Strategy Streamline Icon: Tips

Work it, make it. Do it, makes us. Harder, better. Faster, stronger.



Geyik Academy

Geyik Academy offers courses on technical topics, career management, and leadership skills. The courses are designed to be practical, with a focus on real-world applications. The courses are suitable for beginners as well as experienced professionals.


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Impromptu thoughts and reflections on life, technology, world, and everything in between.


School Book Apple Streamline Icon: Top of Mind

My random thoughts and musings on various topics.



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Here are the most recent articles. This website contains many more.

A good place to start is to look at the tags and categories.


Exploring Rust as a Go Developer

2024-07-21 · 129 min · Volkan Özçelik

The Live Stream Dream

2024-05-27 · 34 min · Volkan Özçelik

Nine-to-Five? I Don't Think So

2024-05-27 · 6 min · Volkan Özçelik

Tough Conversation

2024-05-27 · 5 min · Volkan Özçelik

How to Make Yourself Heard

2024-05-27 · 4 min · Volkan Özçelik